Saturday, May 16, 2020

Poverty, Immigration, Social Welfare, And Imprisonment, By...

The first article, â€Å"Cultures of Inequality: Ethnicity, Immigration, Social Welfare, and Imprisonment†, uses statistical analysis to discuss how race effects poverty, immigration, and welfare in heterogeneous and homogenous countries. The authors, Robert Crutchfield and David Pettinicchio, present two people that had theories on the culture of poverty. They were Banfield and Murray. President Bill Clinton praised Murray’s analysis by claiming that it was correct in all areas, but that his resolutions were drastic. Having a major effect on the poor, the acknowledgment of cultural inequality provides the explanation that high populations have a high tolerance for inequality. In other words, the populace allows for the inequalities to persist as if it is population control. After further analysis, the article discusses a correlation between poverty and immigration to incarceration rates. It was determined that the United States incarceration rates increased by 5 from t he time span of 1973-1997; moreover, the U.S.A. is the most heterogeneous or racially and ethnically mixed population out of the other Western countries provided in the study.Two systems were used to compare the percentage of races other than white in prisons. The World Values Survey (WVS) took four waves of approximately three years apart. Accordingly, three surveys were conducted comparing attitudes of people toward three variables: tolerance for inequality, job placement for immigrants and immigration as a

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